penny slots

  • Friday, January 29, 2021

Las Vegas - Here's a list of the Nevada casinos' net winnings in December from the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

- Penny slots: $185.4 million

- Baccarat: $63.2 million

- Blackjack: $48.4 million

- Sports: $40.6 million

- Craps: $19.6 million

- Roulette: $14.8 million

If you're wondering why the numbers are so low, Vegas visits dropped from from 42.5 million in 2019 to a tick over 19 million last year. The last time Vegas was down in the 19/20 million visitor range was back in 1990. THIRTY ONE YEARS AGO!

Looking at the college hoop board tonight, we're gonna try Colorado State over Boise State. These two played on Wednesday night, and the Rams posted a rather easy 78-56 victory. These kids from Fort Collins can hoop. They have a gorgeous 12-3 record, but even more gorgeous, SEVEN & OH at home. With Niko Medved drawing up the Xs & Os, the Rams are getting better every year. In Niko's first season, the Rams were ugly, finishing up at 12-20. Then last year, they improved to 20-12. And now they're sitting at 12-3. The arrow is definitely pointing UP! Boise's 13-2 record is a hair better than Colorado State, but the Broncos have built their glossy record with a bunch of wins against the bottom feeders (San Jose State, New Mexico, Air Force) of the Mountain West Conference. Gimme the Rams for the money.
